The most efficient way to way to collect all plates is to play through missions first before getting plates through song clears because mission clears will unlock plates that could also be unlocked through song clears. Tedious to get the score, not necessarily hard. 6B HD Ghost Voices likely being the easiest Here is a list of some songs that will give over 10,000 combo. You need a 10,000 combo in a single song. To take a break from max combos you can turn off "Freestyle Combo Chain" in settings.

Hopefully the game did not save and you kept your combo. If you fail a song, hard close the game by closing the window or using task manager. Press "No", restart the song, exit song through music select again. If you forget, a popup will appear saying "Reset combo career" if you are not at the beginning of the song. You can exit a song if you restart and then hit music select. If you miss a note, you can restart the song and keep your combo. This takes several hours and hundreds of song plays of only max combos.

It is an easy song to replay while having a high combo. Everything is tracked in game and will unlock as long as youve gotten. You can also grind "Always", 6B Hard gives over 8800 combo, 4B Hard over 5700 combo. When you complete the final song on normal, switch to hard and achieve 80 on every song. Do different patterns of the songs to also count towards Max Combo achievement. Play through the songs on those lists to get plates while getting the combo. Further down in the guide under "Song Clear Only Plates" are all the plates unlocked only through song clears. I suggest combining this achievement with plate collection. Playing a song from a DLC you don't own will cause nothing to be tracked.Songs have to be cleared to get the achievement progress.All modes give exp, Air Mode Auto-Play about 1/4 of what you would get for playing.Each song is part of a Book (also called a Collection), and each Book is part of a Bookshelf. They are organized at multiple levels for ease of navigation. If the mode tracks Max Combo, you will unlock music videos. How many songs are in deemo DEEMO II has 119 songs and DEEMO has 455 songs.If the mode tracks Play Count, it will also count towards song clears for gallery & plates for that specific song.